Saccharomyces cerevisiae (R64-1-1)

tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine dehydratase; required for the ct6A tRNA base modification, where an adenosine at position 37 is modified to form a cyclized active ester with an oxazolone ring; localized to the mitochondrial outer membrane; TCD2 has a paralog, TCD1, that arose from the whole genome duplication [Source:SGD;Acc:S000001510]


Chromosome XI: 387,562-388,905 forward strand.


About this gene

This gene has 1 transcript (splice variant), 335 orthologues, 7 paralogues and is a member of 1 Ensembl protein family.

NameTranscript IDbpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeUniProtRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
P36101 -Ensembl Canonical