Forkhead family transcription factor; rate-limiting activator of replication origins; evolutionarily conserved regulator of lifespan; binds multiple chromosomal elements with distinct specificities, cell cycle dynamics; positively regulates transcriptional elongation; facilitates clustering, activation of early-firing replication origins; negative role in chromatin silencing at HML and HMR; major role in expression of G2/M phase genes; relocalizes to cytosol under hypoxia [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005012]
Chromosome XIV: 495,701-498,289 reverse strand.
This transcript has 1 exon, is annotated with 32 domains and features, is associated with 53 variant alleles and maps to 29 oligo probes.
This transcript is a product of gene YNL068C Show transcript tableHide transcript table