Rab family GTPase; required for endosome-to-Golgii, intra-Golgi retrograde, and retrograde Golgi-to-ER transport; temporarily at the Golgi, dissociating into the cytosol on arrival of the late Golgi GTPase Ypt32p; Golgi-localized form is GTP bound, while cytosolic form is GDP-bound; required for delivery of Atg9p to the phagophore assembly site during autophagy under heat stress, with Ypt6p for starvation induced autophagy and for the CVT pathway; homolog of mammalian Rab6 [Source:SGD;Acc:S000004252]
Chromosome XII: 668,244-668,891 reverse strand.
This transcript has 1 exon, is annotated with 28 domains and features, is associated with 21 variant alleles and maps to 46 oligo probes.
This transcript is a product of gene YLR262C Show transcript tableHide transcript table