Saccharomyces cerevisiae (R64-1-1)

Mitochondrial translation elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu); involved in fundamental pathway of mtDNA homeostasis; comprises both GTPase and guanine nucleotide exchange factor activities, while these activities are found in separate proteins in S. pombe and humans; rare mutations in human mitochondrial elongation factor Tu (EFTu) associated with severe lactic acidosis, rapidly progressive fatal encephalopathy, severe infantile macrocystic leukodystrophy with micropolygyria [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005713]

Gene Synonyms



Chromosome XV: 684,030-685,343 forward strand.


About this gene

This gene has 1 transcript (splice variant), 359 orthologues, 15 paralogues and is a member of 2 Ensembl protein families.

NameTranscript IDbpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeUniProtRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
P02992 -Ensembl Canonical