Saccharomyces cerevisiae (R64-1-1)

Cyanamide hydratase that detoxifies cyanamide; member of the HD domain metalloprotein superfamily; expression is induced over 100-fold by cyanamide and by SN2-type DNA alkylating agents such as MMS and DMA; induction decreased in rad6 and rad18 mutants; gene and protein are identical to DDI2 and Ddi2p [Source:SGD;Acc:S000005279]


Chromosome XIV: 11,452-12,129 forward strand.


About this gene

This gene has 1 transcript (splice variant), 20 orthologues, 1 paralogue and is a member of 1 Ensembl protein family.

NameTranscript IDbpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeUniProtRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
P0CH63 P0CH64 -Ensembl Canonical