Sordaria macrospora (ASM869232v1)

Sordaria macrospora Assembly and Gene Annotation

About Sordaria macrospora (GCA_008692325.1)


Sordaria macrospora is a species of coprophilous (dung-colonizing) fungus. It is one of several fungal model organisms in biology, e.g. the model of fruiting body development in Ascomycetes. It is a homothallic, self-fertile organism. 250px|thumb|center|Ascospores issued from a diploid heterozygous at the spore-color locus, segregate as yellow and black. Different colors patterns reflect DNA recombination events during meiotic prophase. Lighter colors are due to incomplete maturation.

(Text from Wikipedia and [image] ( from Wikipedia (, the free encyclopaedia.


The assembly presented has been imported from INSDC and has the assembly accession GCA_008692325.1.


The annotation presented is derived from annotation submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession [GCA_008692325.1] (, with additional non-coding genes from Rfam. For more details, please visit INSDC annotation import.

More information

General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.



AssemblyASM869232v1, INSDC Assembly GCA_008692325.1,
Database version112.1
Golden Path Length38,863,382
Genebuild byRuhr-University Bochum
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceRuhr-University Bochum

Gene counts

Coding genes9,771
Non coding genes3
Small non coding genes3
Gene transcripts9,774