Gaeumannomyces tritici R3-111a-1 (Gae_graminis_V2)

Gaeumannomyces tritici R3-111a-1 Assembly and Gene Annotation


About the Gaeumannomyces graminis genome

The take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis (ascomycota), is a major root-rot pathogen of cereals and grasses. All varieties of wheat and barley are susceptible. It is an important disease in winter wheat particularly, and is favoured by conditions of intensive production and monoculture. It survives in the soil on infected residues of one crop, then invades the roots of the following crop, progressively destroying the root system. In exceptional cases it can kill the whole crop; hence the name

Picture credit: Richard Gutteridge - Rothamsted Research

The Broad Institute in collaboration with The Center for Integrated Fungal Research (CIFR), North Carolina State University is sequencing the Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici strain R3-111a-1 using whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing.



AssemblyGae_graminis_V2, INSDC Assembly GCA_000145635.1, Aug 2012
Database version111.1
Golden Path Length43,768,664
Genebuild by
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceEuropean Nucleotide Archive

Gene counts

Coding genes14,458
Non coding genes211
Small non coding genes211
Gene transcripts14,936