Zasmidium cellare ATCC 36951 Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Zasmidium cellare ATCC 36951 (GCA_010093935.1)
Zasmidium cellare, also known as cellar mold, is a species of fungus that exists in dark, ethanol-rich environments and is brown to black in colour. This species primarily exists in wine and brandy cellars in central and southern Europe, but can be found in surrounding regions and is thought to be helpful in the wine making process by some and a hygienic issue by others. and is thought to be beneficial to the cleanliness of cellar air due to its ability to consume musty odours.
(Text from Wikipedia and [image] (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coloured_Figures_of_English_Fungi_or_Mushrooms_-t.432.png) from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org), the free encyclopaedia.
The assembly presented has been imported from INSDC and has the assembly accession GCA_010093935.1.
The annotation presented is derived from annotation submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession [GCA_010093935.1] (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/GCA_010093935.1), with additional non-coding genes from Rfam. For more details, please visit INSDC annotation import.
More information
General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.
Assembly | Zasce1, INSDC Assembly GCA_010093935.1, |
Database version | 113.1 |
Golden Path Length | 38,247,703 |
Genebuild by | DOE Joint Genome Institute |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | DOE Joint Genome Institute |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 16,015 |
Non coding genes | 50 |
Small non coding genes | 50 |
Pseudogenes | 7 |
Gene transcripts | 16,072 |