Verticillium alfalfae VaMs.102 (ASM15082v1)

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Non-coding RNA genes based on RFAM alignments

Non-coding RNA gene models based on alignment by of RFAM families to genomic sequences (alignments provided by RFAM)

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Non-coding RNA genes based on RFAM alignments

Non-coding RNA gene models based on alignment by of RFAM families to genomic sequences (alignments provided by RFAM)

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This track comprises multiple analyses

Protein coding genes annotated in ENA

ncRNA genes annotated in ENA

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This track comprises multiple analyses

Protein coding genes annotated in ENA

ncRNA genes annotated in ENA

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Track showing sequence in both directions. Only displayed at 1Kb and below.

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Track showing underlying assembly contigs.

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Track showing sequence in both directions. Only displayed at 1Kb and below.

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