Scedosporium apiospermum str. IHEM 14462 Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Scedosporium apiospermum str. IHEM 14462 (GCA_000732125)
Pseudallescheria boydii is a species of fungus classified in the Ascomycota. and pseudallescheriasis. Typically found in stagnant and polluted water, it has been implicated in the infection of immunocompromised and near-drowned pneumonia patients. Its asexual (anamorphic) form is Scedosporium apiospermum. Treatment of infections with P. boydii is complicated by its resistance to many of the standard antifungal agents normally used to treat infections by filamentous fungi.
Pseudallescheria boydii fungal infection was the cause of death in three athletes submerged in the Yarkon River after a bridge collapsed, during 1997 Maccabiah Games.
(Text and image from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.)
The assembly presented is the ScApio1.0 assembly submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_000732125.1.
The annotation presented is derived from annotation submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_000732125.1, with additional non-coding genes derived from Rfam. For more details, please visit INSDC annotation import.
More information
General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.
Assembly | ScApio1.0, INSDC Assembly GCA_000732125.1, |
Database version | 113.1 |
Golden Path Length | 43,437,139 |
Genebuild by | LUNAM - Angers University |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | LUNAM - Angers University |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 8,376 |
Non coding genes | 336 |
Small non coding genes | 334 |
Long non coding genes | 2 |
Gene transcripts | 8,712 |