AAA ATPase; subunit of polyUb-selective segregase complex involved in ERAD, INM-associated degradation (INMAD), mitotic spindle disassembly, macroautophagy, PMN, ribosome-associated degradation, ribophagy, homotypic ER membrane fusion, SCF complex disassembly, cell wall integrity during heat stress, and telomerase regulation; mobilizes membrane-anchored transcription factors by regulated Ub/proteasome-dependent processing (RUP); human ortholog VCP complements a cdc48 mutant [Source:SGD;Acc:S000002284]
Chromosome IV: 236,157-238,664 reverse strand.
This transcript has 1 exon, is annotated with 42 domains and features, is associated with 51 variant alleles and maps to 29 oligo probes.
This transcript is a product of gene YDL126C Show transcript tableHide transcript table