Pisolithus tinctorius Marx 270 Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Pisolithus tinctorius Marx 270 (GCA_000827335)
Pisolithus arhizus is a widespread earth-ball like fungus, which may in fact be several closely related species. Common names include dead man's foot and dyeball. Pisolithus arhizus is a major component in mycorrhizal fungus mixtures that are used in gardening as powerful root stimulators.
(Text and image from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.)
The assembly presented is the Pisolithus tinctorius Marx 270 v1.0 assembly submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_000827335.1.
The annotation presented is derived from annotation submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_000827335.1, with additional non-coding genes derived from Rfam. For more details, please visit INSDC annotation import.
More information
General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.
Assembly | Pisolithus tinctorius Marx 270 v1.0, INSDC Assembly GCA_000827335.1, |
Database version | 113.1 |
Golden Path Length | 71,007,534 |
Genebuild by | DOE Joint Genome Institute |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | DOE Joint Genome Institute |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 22,644 |
Non coding genes | 379 |
Small non coding genes | 375 |
Long non coding genes | 4 |
Pseudogenes | 13 |
Gene transcripts | 23,045 |