Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr (GCA_000338995)
The fungus Cochliobolus sativus is the teleomorph (sexual stage) of Bipolaris sorokiniana (anamorph) which is the causal agent of a wide variety of cereal diseases. The pathogen can infect and cause disease on the root (where it is known as common root rot), leaf and stem, and head tissue. C.sativus is extremely rare in nature and thus it is the asexual or anamorphic stage which causes infections. The two most common diseases caused by B.sorokiniana are spot blotch and common root rot, mainly on wheat and barley crops.
(Text and image from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.)
The assembly presented is the Cocsa1 assembly submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_000338995.1.
The annotation presented is derived from annotation submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_000338995.1, with additional non-coding genes derived from Rfam. For more details, please visit INSDC annotation import.
More information
General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.
Assembly | Cocsa1, INSDC Assembly GCA_000338995.1, |
Database version | 113.1 |
Golden Path Length | 34,409,167 |
Genebuild by | JGI |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | JGI |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 12,214 |
Non coding genes | 261 |
Small non coding genes | 260 |
Long non coding genes | 1 |
Pseudogenes | 2 |
Gene transcripts | 12,477 |