Amanita thiersii Skay4041 (Amanita_thiersii_v1.0)

Amanita thiersii Skay4041 Assembly and Gene Annotation

About Amanita thiersii Skay4041 (GCA_002554575)

Amanita thiersii or Saproamanita thiersii, commonly called Thiers' lepidella, is a North-American saprotrophic basidiomycete fungus in the genus Amanita. It is a white mushroom originally described from Texas but today found in nine states of North America. It was named after Harry Delbert Thiers. The cap of this small mushroom is white and convex, measuring and covered by volval remnants. It is sticky to the touch when wet. The gills are variable in length and number and are densely packed in some specimens and widely spaced in others. They are not attached to the stipe, which is long and about thick, with a white ring. The spores measure 7.8--9.8 by 7.3--9.0 µm and are roughly spherical in shape. The spore print is white.

The mushroom grows in lawns, pastures and prairies. It is a saprotroph, living on decaying plant material, and not mycorrhizal as is the case with Amanita species. Previously it was placed in Amanita, but in 2016 the saprophytic members of that genus were separated off into the new genus Saproamanita by one research group, though this split is controversial. Fruit bodies appear during July and August, either in isolation or in groups, and often form fairy rings. The genome of A. thiersii is being sequenced as part of the United States Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute Community Sequencing Program. It is hoped that this will provide a better understanding of the cellulose decomposition capabilities of the fungus. The toxicity of A. thiersii has not been studied but it is suspected of being poisonous.

(Text and image from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.)


The assembly presented is the Amanita thiersii v1.0 assembly submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_002554575.1.


The annotation presented is derived from annotation submitted to INSDC with the assembly accession GCA_002554575.1, with additional non-coding genes derived from Rfam. For more details, please visit INSDC annotation import.

More information

General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.



AssemblyAmanita thiersii v1.0, INSDC Assembly GCA_002554575.1,
Database version112.1
Golden Path Length33,689,220
Genebuild byJGI
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceJGI

Gene counts

Coding genes10,346
Gene transcripts10,346