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Exons - Sequence View

Example page

Exons, introns and flanking sequence are shown for one transcript (ENST...) in the 5' to 3' direction, regardless of whether it is a forward or reverse-stranded gene.

Change flanking sequence, view all intronic sequence, and/or turn on variations by clicking on the Configure this page tool button at the left of the view. Turn off columns using the Show/hide columns button at the top of the table. Export for use in Microsoft Word using the Download view as RTF button at the left of the view.

Exons - Uppercase letters

  • UTR (UnTranslated Region) is in orange
  • Coding sequence is in blue.

Flanking sequence and introns - lower case letters

  • Introns are grey
  • Flanking sequence upstream and downstream to the transcript is green

To BLAST sequence, select your sequence of interest with your mouse then click on the pop-up button.

    Clip: Exons and Introns

    YouTube channel